Monday, June 6, 2011

OurFirst Day at the BNC

Family, Friends, and Followers,

Today was our very long-anticipated first day at the Bernard Nordkamp Center! We woke up early, and although children do not come to the center until 1:30 pm, we arrived at the BNC at 9:00 am to have a brief orientation given by Marybeth Gallagher. Marybeth is spectacular- she's so lax, and she constantly expresses her enthusiasm in having us as helping hands. We learned a little bit about the center and it's flow-of-the-day, and just talked generally about how things are run at the center. Our team divided ourselves amongst the 7 classes, and needless to say, we jumped right in. Sinead and I paired up in a first grade classroom consisting of about 16 children an their teaching volunteer, Liz. When Sinead and I entered the classroom, we were stunned, to say the least. The "classroom" was no more than a 7 foot by 7 foot room, expecting to hold 4 tables with chairs, a cabinet where materials are stored, a white board, and the three volunteering teachers. We asked Liz to fill us in on what she had recently been doing with the students, in order for us to plan lessons for the day, since Sinead and I were eager to jump right into teaching. Based on what we learned about the students and their ability levels, we decided we would teach the chidren how to spell words in the "at" family for English, and for math, we created a BINGO addition game. We were both eager to meet the students and begin our journey teaching at the BNC.

When the kids arrive at the center, they have about a half hour to play before lunch is served and they begin classes. During this half hour, all of us had the opportunity to meet, play with, and interact with students from all of the grade levels. I was impressed by how polite and outgoing, and genuinely interested the children were in us, introducing themselves, asking our names and where we're from, and complimenting us constantly on our hair and clothes. The morning was filled with many smiles and laughs, both from us and the Best Namibian Children!

Mom, Daddy, Stef, Melinda, Alana, and the rest of my friends in particular, you would all appreciate this: the kids come up to me and ask me if I am from India! They brought over a book and showed me a picture of the Indian woman from the story, claiming that she and I Iook exactly alike. I've earned the title: "India teacher!"

One of the major things that Sinead and I would like to establish in our classroom, as well as something our team discussed as a whole for the entire center, is some sort of behavior management / positive reinforcement system. Marybeth expressed behavior management as one of her biggest concerns and hoped that our knowlege and experience would offer her something to follow, which we fully intend to do, especially after Sinead and I experienced how badly our class needs behavior management.

Needless to say, our first day at the BNC was fantastic, and our time will only continue to get better as we learn, grow, and get our hands dirty with these amazing children!


  1. Dear Laura/India Teacher:

    You should have shown the children your Halloween pictures,you in your sari. For sure they would think you are Indian.

    We are glad that you had a good 1st day.

    Remember to lead by example, teach with your heart and love with your smile!


    Mom and Dad

  2. Laura,

    We are so proud of you!! You are truly amazing and gifted. We know that you are making a difference in each and every student you touch with your heart. Hysterical they thought you were Indian! Take tons of pictures!

    The Telescas

  3. ooooohhhh laura, i am so happy you are having a great time. What an impression this will leave on the rest of your life ! I as in INIDIA !!!!
    I love it !!! I had no doubt in my mind all of the children would love you !!! (Indian or not ) !! ........I'm so glad this blog forces you to keep a "journal" i have always stressed to you (probably in a very annoying way) that it is so important to document all the different stages of your life !!! I can't wait for you to look back and reflect on all the wonderful experiences and realize what an impact you have had on these children's lives !!! I am so proud of you !! ENJOY EVERY SECOND !!
    Love You and Miss You So Much !

  4. Hi Laura,
    Just checking in to see how the past few days have been ! Can't wait to hear more exciting stories ! Frankie misses you !
    Love You ,

  5. Little Louds! My little "India teacher"! That is so cute! How is it going? Did you try the behavior mod yet? I hope your enjoying the children as I know they are definitely enjoying you and your fellow MC teachers...can't wait to hear more! Miss you ! Love you!
    Little Lis

  6. Hi Laura,it sounds like you are having a great time. We love reading about your interesting days in Namimbia and following you on your amazing journey. I can't express enough on how proud we are of you, you have touched our hearts and views for ever! Your heart felt joy teaching these children really comes through from your blog and pictures. How lucky are those children to have you and your fellow MC team! May God bless you and keep you all safe. I love you and miss you so much, aunt Julia
