Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I don't think I'm going to be able to say goodbye..

I really cannot believe this is our last day in Namibia. I feel like just yesterday we were finding out we had a 12 hour delay at JFK. Every night I can't bring myself to fall asleep because I know it's one day closer to being our last. Each day I learn something new about myself, teaching, the students and the amazing group of people I came here with.

I wish more than anything I could be here for an entire year. Teaching and being with these first graders have taught me so much. I know that we did everything we could in the week that we were here, but it saddens me to know and see how much these kids need us. Laura and I transformed our classroom into the best we could in the time we had. I know that these children have so much potential and can get so far in their life if given the education they deserve. I hope more than anything that each of these kids have someone in their life that never gives up on them. I know I could be that person for these children and for me, that is the saddest and hardest part about leaving. I honestly think this will be the hardest goodbye I will ever have to do today.

To Dean Merriman, Dr. Nicholson, Brother Nicoletti, and Dr. McCarthy, thank you for being along our sides during this journey. Coming to Namibia would not have been possible without each of you. Thank you for making all of our dreams come true by bringing us to Africa. I know that the hard work you all put in this week to help the BNC will be worth it. The eight of us could not have been better prepared for this trip and it is because of each one of you. I know that each of us is proud to have graduated from MC's education program. Thank you for everything.

I have never seen a group of eight students get along so well. I can't imagine being on this journey without each and every one of them. Every one of us has added something incredible to not only this trip, but the BNC. To Christina, Mary, Becca, Laura, Danny, Mike and Kate, I have watched each of you emerge out of your shell and dive right into the classes you were in. It is so obvious by the look in each of your eyes how much love you have for not only teaching, but for these kids at the BNC. I know how difficult it is going to be today to say goodbye to the children and this place, but I hope you all know how big of an impact you have had in Namibia. I know for sure that these kids will never forget the eight of us. I can confidently say that you each changed at least one students life for the better at the BNC. Never forget how amazing each one of you are and how much potential you have. I know we've all said at one point or another that we would love to change the world and I believe that if there was any group of people who could do it, it would be us. Thank you for showing me compassion, dedication, determination and most importantly passion. I wish we never had to leave or ever say goodbye..


  1. We are very proud of you, Sinead. It sounds like you have had a great experience and you will cherish the memories throughout your professional career and personal life.
    Love Mom and Dad

  2. Beautifully written Sinead. Looking forward to hearing all about your amazing journey upon your return.
