Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Adventures Continue

Hello Family, Friends & Followers --

I am currently sitting here at 10:30 pm on Sunday night at the Wadadee House. It seems surreal that the past few days in Etosha National Park actually occurred, let alone the fact that I'm sitting in Windhoek, Namibia. We seriously haven't stopped traveling since we've been here (Tuesday in New York, Wednesday in Johannesburg, Thursday in Katutura, Friday at the Okaukuejo Lodge and Saturday at the Namutoni Lodge) but tonight we begin to settle into the reason we are here: teaching and assisting at BNC.

This weekend was incredible. Sorry Animal Kingdom, but you've got nothing on a real Africa safari. Disney's magic can't hold a candle to seeing elephants bathe, fight and play with each other in a natural watering hole or a rhino drinking from a watering hole at night only a few blocks from the tent you are sleeping in (yes, we slept in tents for the past two nights).

Two more incredible sights to see are often forgotten back home. A sunset seems to be more celebrated when someone is traveling away from home. And stars are often looked at briefly when one is checking to see if it's a cloudy night. However, in Namibia the strong sun sets beautifully over the desert land, and the starts fill the sky completely. I've never seen more stars in my life. And here we get to see stars and constellations that you don't see in the Northern Hemisphere.

We stopped along the way to and from Etosha in a few towns. The German influence is very heavy in some, while others tend to have a more traditional Namibian feel. Today in Okahandja we stopped to barter with locals to buy original Africa crafts.

Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow! The brief hour on Thursday at BNC definitely put this trip in perspective. I can't wait to return tomorrow and actually work with my friends and professors in educating ourselves and these students. It's mind blowing to know that the next week and a half will change my life as a person and as a teacher in ways I can't imagine tonight.

Goodnight followers. Tomorrow the real adventure begins.

-- Danny


  1. Sounds absolutely amazing! I hope you are taking lots of pictures. And notes! Continue to soak up and enjoy every minute of this unbelievable experience ... it certainly sounds like you have been, so far.
    Love, Mom and Dad Murphy

  2. It was so glad to finally hear from you. It sounds like a fantastic experience. I can't wait to see how much the children love you. Take lots of pictures and give you and Kate a hug from all of us here.

    Love Mom and Dad
