This Blog chronicles the adventures of Manhattan College (NY) students and their professors as they journey to Namibia as part of a service-learning trip, as well as a cultural and educational exchange.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
I don't think I'm going to be able to say goodbye..
I wish more than anything I could be here for an entire year. Teaching and being with these first graders have taught me so much. I know that we did everything we could in the week that we were here, but it saddens me to know and see how much these kids need us. Laura and I transformed our classroom into the best we could in the time we had. I know that these children have so much potential and can get so far in their life if given the education they deserve. I hope more than anything that each of these kids have someone in their life that never gives up on them. I know I could be that person for these children and for me, that is the saddest and hardest part about leaving. I honestly think this will be the hardest goodbye I will ever have to do today.
To Dean Merriman, Dr. Nicholson, Brother Nicoletti, and Dr. McCarthy, thank you for being along our sides during this journey. Coming to Namibia would not have been possible without each of you. Thank you for making all of our dreams come true by bringing us to Africa. I know that the hard work you all put in this week to help the BNC will be worth it. The eight of us could not have been better prepared for this trip and it is because of each one of you. I know that each of us is proud to have graduated from MC's education program. Thank you for everything.
I have never seen a group of eight students get along so well. I can't imagine being on this journey without each and every one of them. Every one of us has added something incredible to not only this trip, but the BNC. To Christina, Mary, Becca, Laura, Danny, Mike and Kate, I have watched each of you emerge out of your shell and dive right into the classes you were in. It is so obvious by the look in each of your eyes how much love you have for not only teaching, but for these kids at the BNC. I know how difficult it is going to be today to say goodbye to the children and this place, but I hope you all know how big of an impact you have had in Namibia. I know for sure that these kids will never forget the eight of us. I can confidently say that you each changed at least one students life for the better at the BNC. Never forget how amazing each one of you are and how much potential you have. I know we've all said at one point or another that we would love to change the world and I believe that if there was any group of people who could do it, it would be us. Thank you for showing me compassion, dedication, determination and most importantly passion. I wish we never had to leave or ever say goodbye..
Monday, June 13, 2011
One Day More...
One More Day
As far as our time here, I hope that we have left as big of an impact on them as they have for us. I also hope that they have learned new and important things that will help them wherever their life leads them. I will always say a special prayer for my lovely sixth graders and hope that they will always follow their hearts and dreams, and understand that with hard work and patience they can succeed great things. I really hope that they see the potential they have so they can be the individuals that beat the odds that are against them. They were an amazing group to work with and I am sad that I have to leave so soon. I only hope that I am lucky enough to return this time next year to work with the kids longer. I would love to see all the great progress they have made.
I Never Thought It Would Be This Hard To Say Goodbye
I would love to come home for one day, give all of you a hug and a kiss and tell you how much I love you and then come back here. But I know I'll be back someday and then maybe I'll get to see my kids in secondary school...nothing would make me more proud than them passing their grade 8 tests and making it to high school.
I love you all and I miss you dearly and I can't wait to see you, but I can promise you that part of my heart will always be in Africa.
Yes, I Ate Zebra
...and Spring Bok which is an animal that is kind of equivalent to an American deer to put it into simple terms. The zebra was delicious and so was the Spring bok, it did not taste like game it tasted like a really rich steak. We all tried out taste buds with the local food at a place called Joe's Beer House. It's an outside restaurant that is enclosed with fires and heat lamps scattered amongst the tables. Danny tried the ostrich and said it was awesome!
After we ate, we headed to the back of the restaurant where there was a giant fire pit to enjoy a few more Windhoek Lagers and each others company. As I looked around the circle of people I was surrounded by, this is when I realized that I have never been surrounded by people who share the same passion for educating that I do. Each teacher contributing so much of their individual skills to the trip's success, but each of us sharing one common goal. It was incredible to feel what I felt when I finally realized why this trip is so special. I may not ever be teaching along side people who are "beast mode" each and every morning, all day long, no matter how hard of a time their students give them or how hard it is to teach under certain conditions. But the fact that I get to experience this Zeal in everyone around me for at least this short period of time, will always be my motivation for the future. I admire my fellow teachers on this trip more than they can imagine.
After a few more Spring Boky! shots, we headed to Zanzibar which is a popular "night club" in Windhoek. We danced all night and met some really incredible people from all over Namibia. On our way home we all squeezed into a taxi van that probably regrets picking us up because we literally belted out Celine Dion all the way home at the top of our lungs. Thanks to Danny, we have it on video!
Thursday June 9th
We woke up early to go observe in schools around the Katatura area. We first went to the Community Hope school right down the street from the center. It offers a catholic school education for students who would not be able to afford it if this school was not opened. It was interesting to see the 2nd graders so hard at work and the class sizes were very small(maybe 15-20 students). All of the teachers are volunteers and this seems to be an underlying problem with many of the educational projects in the Katatura area, they can't get volunteers and keep them for extended periods of time. This is a problem Marybeth is having at the center, as well. One woman who is helping out with the administration of the school told us that she came for 3 months and stayed for 5 years. It's kind of odd/scary to think about how some of the student's education in Katatura is relying on volunteers. However, the fact that there are so many volunteers who understand the value and importance of a one's education is completely inspiring.
The next school we visited was one of which many of my student's attend, A.I. Steenkamp Primary School. Here we saw many different classrooms that were much like classrooms we could find in the states(minus the smart boards and computers). Mike and I were placed in a Special Ed. classroom with about 10-15 students of all ages. They were reading Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs in Afrikaans and English. Their teacher was speaking to Mike and I throughout the story belittling the students in front of them about how this is a "special class" and "none of these students understand anything." She also mentioned that she was not qualified to teach this class, which she made very obvious to us throughout the next couple of hours we were there. One of her younger students was "laughing too much" at the story and she told him that "when the American teachers leave she was going to beat him up." There were recent laws made in Namibia against corporal punishment in schools, but as we have heard and now seen for ourselves, it is not monitored.
When the kind woman working in the office, brought us around to the 4th grade class, my eyes opened so wide because when I peeked in, there were about 50 or more students squeezed into that room, with one teacher. Fortunately, a few of my students were in that class! As my eyes scanned the room, my eyes met Ruru's and he stood up, waved,and shouted, "Miss Mary!" The BIG smile that he had on his face when he saw me enter his classroom will forever be unforgettable.
Today at the BNC we read Oh, the Places You'll Go! by Dr. Suess and it could not have went over any better. Afterwards, my students and I set goals for ourselves to constantly be revisited throughout the upcoming year. They finally learned that making one draft of something is simply not what good authors do. Each student set personal, educational, and future/professional goals for him/herself. I could not have been more touched with the goals and dreams that they came up with. Since soccer is a very popular sport here I tied it in with making a big goal and soccer ball in the back of the room that says "Together We Score Goals" and each student got a moment in the special author's chair to share what their goals are with the class. Each student then posted up their own goals on the classroom wall. My students had so much fun with this activity and it was the only time all week that they were working so hard I could literally hear a pin drop! I am so proud of each of them.
After the day was over at the BNC, while all of the students were playing four square, marbles, and on the playground, Deborah, one of my very intelligent students approached me. She asked if I would stay to help her complete her math homework. Of corse, I sat down with her for a few minutes guiding her through the math that she was doing a flawless job with. She was doing a beautiful job in class with this math and I started wondering why she asked for my help. Once we got down to the bottom of the page of her workbook, the problems were written horizontally. She picked up her pencil and looked up at me. I thought to myself, OK this is what she needed help with, this is easy, I will show her how to set it up vertically and she will use this trick forever. Well, I showed her how to set it up like all of the other vertical problems were set up that she was so good at. She immediately erased the markings that I put on her paper and got very defensive and told me not to write it like that again on her workbook. She then explained that if her teacher saw her writing horizontal problems, vertically, she will beat her. I figured out the best possible way to teach her how to do the math horizontally, she continued to struggle and I really wish I could explain to her teacher that all students learn differently. The thing that makes me the most upset about moments like these, is that it is so obvious to me that these students are afraid of taking risks and making mistakes. The unfortunate part about this is that making mistakes is how one grows and learns.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
It's Almost the End...
My kids at the BNC are amazing. I am working with a group of 21 7th graders who are full of energy, life, and enjoyment of learning. We are in a relatively small classroom, but compared to the rest of the rooms, there is enough space for me to walk around during lessons. We have been working on multiplication and division in math, and writing and spelling for English. In 8th grade, they have a big test to take to see if they qualify to move on to high school, so we are trying to prep them for that as best we can. It's been really rewarding to implement teaching techniques I have learned about over the years and see how they work in a classroom that is so different than those in the US.
This whole experience, although it's not over yet, has already been life changing. These kids, unlike many in the US, cherish their educations and don't take them for granted. For most of them, an education is a way to escape the difficult lives they are currently living. There is a policy at the BNC that if they miss more than 3 days in a month, they lose the privilege of being able to attend the program, so they are all really dedicated and committed to learing. I've been writing goodbye letters to give to my 7th graders to give them on Tuesday, and it's honestly been so hard to keep it together when I think of how hard they have been working... they ALL have so much promise and potential to follow their dreams and I'm so proud of them for their hard work.
This trip has been great because not only have we had the amazing opporunity to work at the BNC during the week, but we have taken two very memorable weekend trips. Last night we got back from Swakopmund, a coastal tourist town about 5 hours away from Windhoek. It was SO adventure-packed and exciting! Our first day, we left Windhoek at 2 am and got to Swakop early for sandboarding!! Basically what this is is speeding down the dunes on a piece of wood at incredibly high speeds lying down face first (my top speed was 45 mph!!!!) I was petrified at first; but for a girl who hates heights and rollercoasters and high speed I foud it to be such an amazing adrenaline rush. I was fearless by the end of it. On Saturday we went on a seal cruise, and seals jumped up onto the boat and we could feed them fish and pet them. We also saw dolphins and had a great lunch with champagne and oysters! After that we went four wheeling through the desert for about 3 hours. The scenery was amazing... I really can't to it justice here but when I post pictures you'll get an idea.
Anyway, we're off to the centre soon so I have to get ready... just trying to soak everything in these last couple days before we head back to reality in the US. This has been an incredibly educational, rewarding, life-changing trip... and I don't want it to end!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
BNC Grade One
When Sinead and I stepped foot into our first grade classroom on our first day at the BNC, we immediately took notice to things we wanted to establish: namely, a behavior system, a set of classroom rules, and a text rich environment. Our second day, we were hard at work completing these tasks. Together we figured out a way to rearrange the classroom as a means to provide the sudents with an effective learning environment in such a confined space. We moved around students' desks and chairs based on our judgement of cooperative learning groups, we created a list of positive classroom rules with the students to balance out the feeling of community and give students the sense of responsibility for their actions, and we labeled the entire classroom and created a Word Wall to provide our students a print-rich environment, which is pivotal during this developmental time.
More and more, as Sinead and I grew to know our students and their ability levels, we realized that even the alphabet and letter sounds gave them such a hard time. While the alphabet was painted to the wall in the classroom, there were no pictures of objects that would help students make the connection to letter sounds. I spent hours drawing pictures for each letter of the alphabet, but the result was well worth it. Who would have known that I was quite the Picasso? Just kidding! When we went over each letter, sound, and corresponding picture with the students, we asked each of them to hang the picture next to the corresponding letter, to provide them with a sense of pride in transforming their humdrum classroom into a beautiful and effective environment designed to maximize their learning.
Following this activity, we took our students outside and split the class in half to write the alphabet and words in chalk on the concrete, while the other half of the class jumproped to "Strawberry shortcake cream on top! Tell me the name of your sweetheart, is it A,B,C,D..." We engaged our tactile, bodily kinesthetic, and musical learners, where sometimes, these intelligences are neglected in the classroom. The students' reactions were amazing to see, and the end result was so rewarding.
It's beginning to sink in that after our weekend in Swaka-waka (Swakopmund?), we'll only have a few days left at the center. In such a short period of time, I have learned so much about myself and my students (dang, I'm already calling them "mine!"), and it's going to be so hard to say goodbye!
Three days later...
Laura and I have been doing whatever we can to enhance the first graders learning at the BNC. We've added a lot to the classroom to make it a much more age appropriate print-rich environment for them. We've added pictures to the alphabet, a word wall and labels. We've even added in a behavior management system that the students could clearly comprehend. I couldn't have been any happier with the results of everything we have done. We've really come together with our thoughts and ideas to make this experience worthwhile for both ourselves, and most importantly, the students.
I'm excited for this weekend away and to experience more parts of Africa. However, it makes me sad thinking about coming back and only having two days left at the BNC. We watched Liz say goodbye to the students today and it was heartbreaking. The students were singing an African song and some of the lyrics included "we will never forget you." We also had the students write her goodbye letters. This alone made Laura and I tear up so I can only imagine what Tuesday is going to be like. But after last night with everyone, I know this weekend should be interesting and so much fun. I love this group and can't wait for another bonding experience.
Here are some pictures of this past week! Hope you love them alll.
To all my family and friends taking the time to read our blog, LOVE YOU ALL and see you in less than a week!
Week One, Done!
Hey Followers --
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
I am not only forming a bond with my students, my fellow teachers and volunteers, but I am forming a relationship with myself. Reflecting on my life previous to this emotional, professional, and educational journey, I know now that I have been more than blessed in my lifetime.
Nothing that I write on this blog tonight will properly articulate what I am feeling. And this is only the second day of class with my little scholars!
I am so proud to be teaching alongside such selfless and passionate volunteers from MC. I can learn so much from each and every one of them and look up to them very very much.
I will post pictures to my facebook because the blog will not allow me to at the moment. I think the pictures speak for themselves...

It's Christina!
I was thinking about it earlier and I don't think I have admired anyone more than I admire Marybeth. She has devoted her entire life to this program and it is obvious how passionate she is about it. She is making a difference in so many lives, it is incredible. I would love to do something like that some day.
Namibia is such an interesting country. I found out yesterday that before the holocaust, concentration camps were used in a Namibian town. How crazy is that? Everyone here is very friendly. I feel so welcome! A few of the people I have met that work at the guest house and as our tour guides are so knowledgeable. They know so much about their country and have so much pride. Yesterday, one of the men, Patrick, gave a speech on the history of Namibia. It was very interesting and informative. Patrick is attending Columbia's Teacher College this September. He was also picked a few years ago to go to D.C. and represent Namibia at a Young African Leader conference. While there, he met Preisdent Obama!
Well, it's about time to go. We are going to watch a Souh African movie about the Apartheid. Our Manhattan College group has had some great bonding experiences. I can't wait for more!
Two Days Gone By
The past two days, our first days teaching at the BNC, have been completely night and day, yet completely incredible. Yesterday we arrived for an orientation-like meeting in the morning where I got chosen to work in the fifth grade classroom at the centre. Cynthia, a housemate at the Wadadee House who went to Etosha with us this weekend, is my co-teacher and has been with these students for the past few weeks. We have ten students on the roster, not too bad considering how my fellow Jaspers have into the high teens and twenties in their classrooms.
Monday - The students arrived and it was a joy to play with them on the playground. After playing on the swings and having one boy ask me why my nose was so big I read a few stories to some children and they read to me. Right then and there the entire trip fell into place. After the students ate lunch we began our afternoon teaching! It went, well, kinda rough. Behavior wise the students are very similiar to the students I've worked with in New York, however, the biggest problem is stopping them from speaking local languages, because many students claim that some students say innapropriate things in these languages but we teachers can't understand. Anyways, Cynthia and I needed to adapt the curriculum to the students to help reach the basic needs of fifth grade math (times tables, two and three digit multiplication) and and ELA (writing complete sentences with details, text-to-self connections) as well as self confidence in their work and reading aloud. At the end of the day I was satisified that I got a basic assessment of their skills and levels and I realized that most cannot grasp concepts in both content areas.
Tuesday - This day went smoothly and I felt like it couldn't be better. Seriously. Cynthia and I gave the students assigned seats to help with management. We lost our Minute Math and I implemented Around the World with 8 and 9 times tables orally. Afterwards I asked the ten students present what they had to do while participating to make sure they understand the concept of this exercise as well as the math skills needed. Instead of drills and excercises we had the students compete against each other doing 3 digit multiplication problems at the board while the rest of the class did it in their notebooks. The class was silent. Silent! This set the best mood and tone for the rest of the day. The lesson went swimmingly after that. During ELA we did played Boggle with a twist - the students had to made 3 sentences using their words. This helped them gain the foundations sentence writing as they had to combine their words to fit them into sentences rather than just make a basic sentence per word. I hope to develop these sentences and skills further tomorrow.
We're meeting our halfway mark of the trip tomorrow. I wish I had money to stay out here. They really need as much help as they can get, and I feel like 2 weeks isn't enough. Most volunteers stay for 1 to 3 months. I'll have to make the best of my week left with these students. Today was probably the best day I've ever had as a teacher (including subbing, student teaching and interning). These children are incredible. They value their education and themselves. They all knew my name in a matter of seconds. They genuinely care about themselves, myself and their education. They are truly the Best Namibian Children.
Dinner time. That means I don't have time to proofread, sorry! But dinner, yeah! Yes Ma, I've been eating fun things. Lamb. Beef stew. Vegtables. Things I can't even pronounce. You'd be proud of me (and yes, Kate is basically being a mom making sure I eat and remain an unpicky eater). And I've been cooking better than ever! Tonight we're eating burgers made by Becca and Laura.
I leave you with a picture of Mike and me with some students on the playground this afternoon.
You Guys...These Kids...
Today was day 2 with the kids at the center and I have absolutely fallen head over heels in love with them. I have a sixth grade classroom with Mike and I couldn't have asked for a better partner. I've been able to take on the English portion of the day while Mike is teaching math (trust me, it's for the best I stay away from the math...right Dad?).
My main goal in working with my 20 kids (depending on the day and who decides to show up or not) is getting them to creatively think and use that thought in their writing. The Namibian style of education is for the students to memorize, so they have a difficult time thinking on their own and forming original thoughts. Specifically, we've been working on sentences and having the kids expand their sentences beyond just "she kicked the ball" (mind kids are in SIXTH grade). So yesterday we used our spelling words of the week to write sentences and focused on adding more detail to our sentences.
Today was one of the greatest days I have ever had in a classroom. My plan was to bring my kids outside and dribble a soccer ball in front of them (soccer is huge here...and yes, Dad, Jack, and a soccer ball...I know...), have them tell me what I was doing, "Kate is kicking the ball", and then have them look around and describe where I was, what the weather was like, who else was around, and to use all their senses to explain what was going on. Unfortunately, since it is winter here and the kids don't have appropriate clothing for the weather (some even don't have shoes) I had to be an ADAPTIVE EXPERT (there's your shout-out Brother Ray) and create a new plan once the kids got into the classroom. We talked about the sentences again and how to add to them and then the kids gave examples of descriptive words they already knew. Then we read a book and every time the kids heard a descriptive word they had to raise their hands. They did such an amazing job and then when I gave them a prompt to write about the best days of their lives they were able to use such excellent language that I knew exactly what they were talking about. They all wanted to share and I cannot even tell you how proud I was of every single one of them. I promise I waited to cry until class was over though...
The difference between kids in America and the kids here is that these kids want to learn so so badly. When break time came and the kids were free to go outside, they BEGGED me to finish the lesson before they went outside for break. I couldn't believe it. I love it here more than I even thought was possible and I love how I can feel what a difference I'm making. It's like nothing I've ever experienced.
I'm so proud of myself and I'm so proud of the 7 people I am on this trip with. They are incredible teachers and they are willing to do more than just anyone ever would for these kids. The resources and location we have to work with are difficult to put into words and today I saw Mike make an INCREDIBLY effective mixed number lesson using egg crates and beer bottle caps. This experience is the best one of my life and I hate to say it (Mom and Dad) but I'm not sure America is where I'm supposed to teach anymore...
I love you all so much and I miss you.
Monday, June 6, 2011
Meeting my BNC 4th Graders!
What I observed throughout the day with my 14 students is that they are behaviorally just normal fourth grade students; They copy what their friends write down, they want to please the teacher but do not behave accordingly, they love hugs, they always want to be correct, they tease other students, they do not always listen to directions, etc. However, the only difference (that it took me all day to conclude) is that these Namibian students are at this center voluntarily. These students want to be here and they want to learn. They value their education to a very high degree.
What American elementary student would stay after school to do reading/writing and math until the sun goes down, by choice?
Keep in mind, most of these students do not have electricity or money for candles so when they go home there are very little activities for them to engage in. Which is also why many students of Katatura do not complete their homework unfortunately.
Another thing I found interesting was that Namibians have a lot of holidays and a lot of time off from school. Sometimes to make up for the lost time, the students are called in to school on Saturdays.
My Namibian students left me in awe today with their attitudes towards learning. Again and again I see the virtues of an effective teacher popping up from everywhere. Specifically silence today, to be in awe of something like I was a child again sitting in an ice cream shop feeling like it was the best place that I have ever been, just so speechless. To observe each individual life without judgement, really left me in amazement.
Some of the students called me Miss Mary and others just called me "teacher." Which some of the volunteers at the center don't like, but I love it! About half of the class gave me a big hug as they left the classroom and thanked me. Thanked me!!!
Today was sort of an introduction/breaking the ice day because I really wanted to learn more about them. For the Do Now, I wrote a letter about myself on the board and had them write letters to me about themselves. They did beautifully! And then of course we made a list of rules as a class. Everyone promised to do their best to follow the rules not only inside the BNC but in their other classrooms, at home, in their society, and in life. We all put our John Handcock on the bottom of the rules, I hung it up, and that was good enough for me.
Tomorrow will be another exciting day to teach math and most importantly to learn more about my eager-to-learn students. I just cannot wait!
Day One at BNC
Today was a much anticipated first full day at the BNC. I woke up ready and excited for the big day ahead of us. After the morning meetings, we all figured out exactly what we were going to be teaching for the rest of my time here. I will be joining the sixth grade class, which consists of twenty boys and girls. I will be working with a wonderful volunteer named Hannah, who has been working at the center for almost three months. My kind and amazing friend Kate will also be teaching in the same sixth grade class. The three of us decided that this outstanding team would work together to instruct the students. Kate would teach English and I would teach mathematics. This plan will help these wonderful students that we would meet shortly.
Before the students arrived, my nerves were going crazy with anticipation, eager to meet all the children. At first a few students started to arrive, which gave us time to interact with them, while they waited for class to begin. At this time, I had an opportunity to kick a ball around with one boy. As time went on, more children had arrived eager to learn and play. At this point I was playing soccer with about twelve boys, while all the other children were running around, playing, or reading. I decided that it would be a good idea to read to the boys, so they could relax before heading to class. I couldn't have been happier to see all the excitement they had for a person to read to them. In a flash we hurried to find a book, and choose Two Left Feet. Finally, my long life dream of teaching children was in affect. As I was reading aloud, more and more children came to listen. Being a male volunteer is something that these children may not use to. I was so pleased to see how welcomed I was and how happy I made these children.
After the children washed their hands and ate lunch, it was time for the first session of classes to begin. Kate did an amazing job discussing and defining the ten spelling words of the week. I was so impressed with her amazing teaching skills, and I realized that we had an incredible group of young individual learners. After the first teaching session was finished the children had a quick recess for fifteen minutes and had to report back to class for the second session of class.
Finally, it was my turn to use what I had learned during my four years of college education and to teach mathematics. At the start of class, I had the students line up outside the doorway and I individually asked them to tell me their names and answer a quick multiplication question before entering the classroom. Individually, the students were instructed to work on a problem of the day before my lesson. After, I had the children review what they have been learning, and I learned that they were all bright and intelligent children. It was an extraordinary experience, to teach to these children. Today's first hand experience showed me that students in America and Namibia are taught in different ways, but the common goal of an exceptional education is still the focus. I truly cannot wait to work with this amazing group tomorrow!
P.S. Love you Mom!
Our First Real Day at BNC!
Today was our first full day at the BNC. We arrived at the center at 9 am and began discussing everything right away. After hearing MaryBeth speak about what the volunteers have been doing, what was already established and what they needed, we began our day. Most of us were paired up with a Manhattan student and a volunteer teacher who has been there for a few weeks. Laura and I were placed in a first grade classroom. I was so excited to be working with students at this age, because I know how much help they need. However, I was so surprised to see the size of the room I was going to be spending the next week in. It was less than the size of a 9 by 9 room. I was nervous to see how 3 adult teachers and 17 first graders were going to fit in this space. This made me really appreciate the facilities in the schools I grew up in, as well as the schools I student taught in.
We were at the center from 9am to 5pm. We spent the morning planning out our day and the lessons we were going to teach. Laura and I decided to make a number line for the classroom and for each individual student, to help them during math. It was day one and we already had so many ideas of how we could enhance the classroom and the student's learning. The students arrived at 1:30 and I fell in love with each and every one of them. We were surrounded by over 100 kids running around, playing, reading, laughing and I couldn't help but smile and want to talk to all of them. I was taken by surprise when a second grade girl grabbed my hand and asked me to listen to her read. It was amazing to see this girl, who just finished many hours at school, want to show off her reading skills to me instead of playing with all the other kids. When she finished reading her eyes and smile was full of pride and it brought me to tears.
After the children had lunch we began teaching. Laura and I started off with the pronunciation of different letters in the alphabet. We tried many different methods of sounding out the word, having the students repeat and asking for different examples. Laura and I thought it would be a good idea to have different words each week that the teacher would work on with the students. We decided this week to focus on the "at family" (cat, mat, bat, sat, hat, rat). After the students had a brief break, it was time for math. In the morning we made bingo boards and flash cards, so the students could play addition bingo. I saw for the first time how challenging it was going to be in the little space we were in. However, I know we are both accepting this challenge with an open mind and heart and it is going to make us that much more determined to help in any way we can.
Although there were many differences from the first grade classrooms I have been in in New York, the children have so many similarities. Just like any classroom, there are students who are independent learners, instructional learners and remedial learners. I know that each student is different and we need to accommodate the needs of ALL the students, no matter what type of learner they are. I have confidence that the education we have all received, and the knowledge we have learned from our experiences, will help us throughout this journey. The day was long and tiring but I already can't wait to be back at the BNC tomorrow.
OurFirst Day at the BNC
Today was our very long-anticipated first day at the Bernard Nordkamp Center! We woke up early, and although children do not come to the center until 1:30 pm, we arrived at the BNC at 9:00 am to have a brief orientation given by Marybeth Gallagher. Marybeth is spectacular- she's so lax, and she constantly expresses her enthusiasm in having us as helping hands. We learned a little bit about the center and it's flow-of-the-day, and just talked generally about how things are run at the center. Our team divided ourselves amongst the 7 classes, and needless to say, we jumped right in. Sinead and I paired up in a first grade classroom consisting of about 16 children an their teaching volunteer, Liz. When Sinead and I entered the classroom, we were stunned, to say the least. The "classroom" was no more than a 7 foot by 7 foot room, expecting to hold 4 tables with chairs, a cabinet where materials are stored, a white board, and the three volunteering teachers. We asked Liz to fill us in on what she had recently been doing with the students, in order for us to plan lessons for the day, since Sinead and I were eager to jump right into teaching. Based on what we learned about the students and their ability levels, we decided we would teach the chidren how to spell words in the "at" family for English, and for math, we created a BINGO addition game. We were both eager to meet the students and begin our journey teaching at the BNC.
When the kids arrive at the center, they have about a half hour to play before lunch is served and they begin classes. During this half hour, all of us had the opportunity to meet, play with, and interact with students from all of the grade levels. I was impressed by how polite and outgoing, and genuinely interested the children were in us, introducing themselves, asking our names and where we're from, and complimenting us constantly on our hair and clothes. The morning was filled with many smiles and laughs, both from us and the Best Namibian Children!
Mom, Daddy, Stef, Melinda, Alana, and the rest of my friends in particular, you would all appreciate this: the kids come up to me and ask me if I am from India! They brought over a book and showed me a picture of the Indian woman from the story, claiming that she and I Iook exactly alike. I've earned the title: "India teacher!"
One of the major things that Sinead and I would like to establish in our classroom, as well as something our team discussed as a whole for the entire center, is some sort of behavior management / positive reinforcement system. Marybeth expressed behavior management as one of her biggest concerns and hoped that our knowlege and experience would offer her something to follow, which we fully intend to do, especially after Sinead and I experienced how badly our class needs behavior management.
Needless to say, our first day at the BNC was fantastic, and our time will only continue to get better as we learn, grow, and get our hands dirty with these amazing children!
We have had some amazing experiences in our short time in Namibia but I thought that I would make this blog posting about our living accommodations in Katutura. The following are some photos of WADADEE HOUSE. Click on the pictures to see a larger version in a new window. ENJOY!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
Adventures in Etosha!
Our tour guide George is full of wisdom about his native country of Namibia. Last night he showed us all of the constellations in the clearest African night's sky I have ever witnessed. I learned so much about flora and fauna from him this weekend as well and will never forget his incredible wisdom. It almost makes me feel guilty for not having more knowledge about my own country. George always knew exactly when the animals would be where, that's how we got to see the rhino at the watering hole late at night!
Kate made an excellent observation that many advertisements here use real people in them. We explained that in America the advertisement models are usually extremely thin. One of Sean's friends who will be coming to the USA next year for Teacher's College informed us that he was "trying to lose weight" to come to America. Here, when someone is bigger it means that they are more wealthy and have the means to be nutritious and eat plentiful meals.
Today we saw elephants! We also saw a baby deer that was so tiny. George told us it was actually a type of antelope that was full grown called a dik dik.
We came up to the next campground at around 2pm and George and his cousin, Edward, prepared lunch. We went on another game drive and saw more elephants that came very very(too close) to the bus, it was incredible.
6am Wake-Up 6/5/11
Goodbye Etosha! We packed up camp and are on our way back to Katatura today. We stopped at a market where we bargained for some great souvenirs!
Tomorrow is our first full day at the center. I have a lot of reflecting to do tonight. These are the moments that define whether one chooses to make a difference or not.
I am really starting to miss everyone soooo much!
The Adventures Continue
Hello Family, Friends & Followers --
Goodmorning Namibia!
And the gang is off to Etosha National Park bright and early! We stopped twice along the 5 hour drive to get snacks and use the restrooms. Our 5 hour trip actually turned into a 7 hour adventure when our tour guide had to stop to buy groceries and camping equipment for the weekend. We all got to enjoy the goods of a local German bakery that had a pretty garden and sitting area in the back and we all thought it felt nice to finally sit somewhere outside of a bus or plane for a few minutes. While we were at the bakery, Becca and I sat in front and people watched as if we were still in NYC. It's so much more exciting here!
As Dr. Nicholson stated at our first reflection tonight, everyone did a outstanding job with practicing patience despite our exhaustion from traveling so much in the past week.
Once we arrived at our first campsite at Etosha, we took a walk over to a big watering hole where we observed the delicate silence of nature, the beauty of my observations in this moment left me speechless. A heard of zebras waded into the water. This was NOT the Bronx Zoo! After lunch around 2:30pm we were off on our safari bus into the wild! No more than 30 seconds into the drive we spotted a giraffe about 20-30ft to the right of our bus. We saw birds of all kinds, zebras, Spring Bok, zebras, an ostrich, and more zebras!
The sky was a beautiful blue and clear all day long until the early sunset at around 5:30pm. We got to walk to the top of a tall stone tower in the middle of our campsite to watch the sun set. Once the sun went down it was very cold and everyone was bundled up sitting around the campfire. George prepared a great dinner with his cousin; slow roasted lamb, garlic bread, potatoes, and veggies. Mmmm Mmmm I have a feeling that will be the BNM(Best Namibian Meal) we eat while we're here.
Christina and I are sharing a tent and are crossing our fingers and praying that we do not get eaten by any wild animals tonight. Namibia is such a beautiful place that realized I didn't mind the long drive today at all, it was nothing like driving down the parkway-trust me, I have pictures to prove it!
Back from Safari!
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Flight to Jo-Berg and Arriving at the Wadadee House!
8:12am June 1st
Danny and I are sitting on the plan next to each other. Slept for about the first 8 or 9 hours which was great thanks to the South African Airways complimentary eye mask, Oh and not to mention a special apology to my Mother who for weeks has been telling me to buy a neck pillow for the plane. How typical of me, I refused. I caved in and purchased one at the airport--possibly the best purchase ever. It was comfortable I was practically wearing it as a scarf around the airport before we departed and almost fell asleep standing up, I was exhausted.
I woke up with about 9 hours left until arrival and did a lap around the plane with Danny to get our blood flowing. There are about 314 people just passed out sleeping and snoring on this flight(the plane was a "Beaute" as Danny says). Browsing through the channels, I found a Liam Neeson movie called Unknown, it was incredible and recommend it to anyone who is reading this. There was action, mystery, romance…what more could a girl want on a 15 hour flight to Africa? Hahahaha.
I also watched “Ideas that Changed the World” for a while, kind of wishing I had a way to tell Vadim to put it on back home.
We were served salami sandwiches with mustard(and surprise pickles!)…this must be my lucky flight!
Only 6:44 minutes left until we arrive in Johannesburg at this point. Dr. Nicholson and I were discussing possibly trying to see at least one sight in Jo-Burg since were going to be there over night. With that being said, I put some Dave Matthews on, sit back and enjoy the ride(…and take another nap).
June 2nd
We have finally arrived at the Namibia Airport! It was actually like the movies where there is nothing in sight but the dessert and we walked off the plane right onto the airport runway/aircraft area! It kind of made us all feel famous LOL.
Sean and George our guides drove us through the city of Windhoek which had very gorgeously built buildings, shops, and restaurants. This city is VERY German which I was not aware of. We made our way down Independence Road to the outskirts of town where we will be working at the after school program(meaning 1pm-5:30pm) which is actually located in Catatura, Namibia.
Even though it was around 4:30pm and the center closes at 5:30pm we went for an hour and met Mary Beth Gallagher the woman who runs the center. Mary Beth was ecstatic to see us because we are not only volunteers but we are actually certified teachers which she does not have come through very often. She is truly an inspiring person and I know I will be learning so much from her as a teacher and a person. Even though I can already see many of the virtues of a great teacher within her, one that stands out after having a group conversation with her(at the BBQ that the Wadadee house members so kindly cooked to welcome us),is zeal. I can tell that she wholeheartedly goes the extra mile for all of the children in Namibia, especially those who voluntarily attend her after school academic program. She loves all of the children as if they are her own and would do anything to insure them of an education that they deserve. We will begin giving lessons and organizing with the other volunteers on Monday, I can't wait!
At first sight of the smiling children at the center playing in the courtyard, I already know it is going to be difficult to leave.
Tomorrow we are off the Etosha National Park, a six hour drive a head of us but I'm sure it will be worth it!
I am beginning to realize how far away from home I am...
Wer're leaving for Etosha around 5am, so I'm sure we will all have exciting posts after this weekend! Miss you and love you <3
We Are Here!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
And We're Off...
Ironically, the De La Salle “Virtue of a Good Teacher” that I chose at random this morning is that of “Reserve”(Self-control). De La Salle wants teachers to control themselves and show restraint in the face of annoyance.
In the hotel, we plan to take advantage of the few complimentary meals and review some of the children’s books we brought along that we plan on teaching with; my favorite being The Grouchy Ladybug, of corse. How fitting. Everyone is planning on taking naps and just hanging out around here. Becca and I went on an adventure and unfortunately, the pool's closed:(
After all, the journey is the destination, right? Here we go!!!